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Current events questions

1) Which of the stories you selected this year do you think was your most interesting story? Why; explain in specifics.

I think the most interesting story that i have summarised so far is the teenage girl from Toronto who got involved in human trafficking. I think many teenagers these days tend to take more risks and this leads them getting into a lot of trouble. Another problem teenagers face is getting peer pressured into doing things they are not entirely comfortable in doing but yet they manage to convince and lie to themselves that it's okay and nothing will happen. That is exactly what this Toronto teen did and this ended up her getting arrested when she could have had a whole life ahead of her. And this can be damaging for her future. I think a lot of teenagers should use this story as a lesson in ways and remember the signs that lead to trouble and try keeping away from it.

2) Which of the stories you selected was the most important political story? Why; explain in specifics.

In my opinion, I think the most important political story was the shooting of 13 schools in South Africa earlier this month. I think this is most important because adult protestors who are fighting for rights are taking out their anger on schools which are for children and teenagers and I thought this was taking it too far. School is an environment where children should feel safe and learn so they can get on with their lives as they are the future of this world. But because of a temporary problem that could have been resolved or argued in many other ways they chose to burn down 13 schools which means they were not really thinking about what they were doing.

3) Which of the stories you selected was the most important economic story? Why; explain in specifics.

I think the most important economic story in my current events is when a former worker of Donald Trump's modelling agency claimed she was treated at a slave working there. Donald Trump wants to be the US president and having this story come out about him does not make it look very good for him. And sometimes you don't know if what is being said about people is true, but this model was claiming he made her work long hours and took away 80% of her salary away and this does sound a little like modern slavery, which is why if this is being said about him others may have fears of how he’ll treat people and who is he really as a person. Especially as many people do not like Trump and the things he says which make people question if he is being serious about becoming president.

4) Which of the stories you selected was the most important social/cultural story? Why; explain in specifics.

I think the most important story I have summarised based on Social/Cultural topic in my current events blog is the same sex marriage post that got deleted off of facebook early April. Because this man who wrote the post was pointing out his opinion of gay marriage and he should have the right to speak out his opinion and be heard by whoever is friends with him on facebook or if anyone shares his post. Plus he was hating at all on gays and gay marriage and having his post deleted by facebook did not make sense at all and a lot of people did take this seriously and were offended. Later on facebook did email him to let him know his post is back up but even I am confused in why all of a sudden on this certain topic and his opinion in a single post somehow automatically got deleted.

5) What have you learned by doing this current events blog this year? Explain.

I have gotten better at summarising different news articles. Because as we did more and more current events blogs I have learned to become more detailed when i summarise each article, and understand more of what the news is saying. I have also become more open minded in way of think how the stories affect the rest of the world and all affects stories like these can lead to.

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